Signing up for HupiCon 2018
Kirjoittaja Samppu92 


RY:n jäsen

:: Lainaa ::
Aihe: Signing up for HupiCon 2018 - 17/12/2017 22:34
In this topic I would wish you to state how many and what kinds of modules or models
you would like to bring to HupiCon 2018.

State the category and theme, e.g.

BrickWorlds, Tatooine, 12 modules.

A module is 32 x 32 base that is built in a certain way. The instructions can be found here:
(link to be announced)

- Samppu


Star Wars -superfani
Aivotutkimus on intohimo.
Kissat <3

"Play is the highest form of research." - Albert Einstein


:: Lainaa ::
Aihe: Re: Signing up for HupiCon 2018 - 11/01/2018 17:28
Greetings from Alex (aka zux) from Lithuania!

Following an invitation from Sami to BalticLUG members I'm looking forward attending event in April.

I would like to bring as much as I can, however my self and other LUG member haven't decided which traveling option to chose. Depending on choice it would be possible to state how much exactly there would a chance to bring. There would be at least two houses that fit City layout. Both built on 32*32 baseplates at the moment.

Both (first two buildings) seen in here:

Please be aware grey house has been overhauled and is almost three times higher now. It is still considered WIP, so no pictures yet.

Do you happen to have any sort of requirements for house base? Like module or something similar. So that I could adapt it to your system.

In case there will be chance to bring more I would love to grab few my own Technic MOC's for "Stand-alone creations section" if possible.



Foorumin admin, tiedottaja

RY:n jäsen

:: Lainaa ::
Aihe: Re: Signing up for HupiCon 2018 - 15/01/2018 22:29
I made simple instruction for the our basic module, instructions are here. Module does contain a lot of TECHNIC pins that are not necessary but I just personally like to use them. Most important thing of the whole module structure is the 4x4 area in the corner:

If the instructions are not clear, just ask more details and we will help you out.

Palikka palikalta parempaan päin.


Hallituksen varajäsen

RY:n jäsen

:: Lainaa ::
Aihe: Re: Signing up for HupiCon 2018 - 20/01/2018 19:54
Hi all of our international friends and fellow Lego enthusiasts.

I am creating the plan for our community build and I noticed that at least Alex will be joining. Our floorplan is quite complex so I had to create one overview map and several partial maps. The overview map is in the shape of a cross and the individual maps are parts of that. All pictures are available on Flickr and are updated regurarly. The partial maps are encoded with compass point letters (in finnish). Here is the short version :
North = P
East = I
West = L
South = E

Martin aka lokka71

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